02 Nov 2022
Concrete Walled Hot Tub Removal
My favorite type of job-one offs, something I’ve never done and will never do again. When CK called me to bid this I knew I was in, enough difficulty to make it interesting, a great customer, never seen it before, great access, all the things I weigh when making a decision to bid. It was a mid 1980’s hot tub with 18” reinforced concrete walls which was poured around all the plumbing which made it inaccessible for repair.
He took enough swings with a sledgehammer to quickly know there’s a better way.
A better way being a mini excavator with a hammer. Perfect machine for the job it allows demolition to take place from one area without driving and tearing up his well kept lawn. Plywood was down in case I needed to change positions.
Concrete was taken down to grade at which point he was going to take over which he did amazingly well.
Here’s where the fun begins watching him do an exceptional job installing the tub. The pictures speak for themselves. Thanks CK for hiring me and being great to work with and for!
30 Jun 2017
Laser grading Spokane Indians ball field
Our local team, the Spokane Indians contacted us to laser grade their infield. This picture shows the basics of laser grading, where all control inputs to box scraper our done by a computer, which receives inputs by a laser beam striking a receiver on the tall mast on the front of the machine. Outputs are given to a valve, which automatically raises and lowers the box scraper.
This shows the job under way, light areas in grade are where cuts, or high points were, the dark areas are fills, or where low points were. Having a second loader is nice, if material needs to be picked up and moved a distance.”
Grade heading towards completion. After it’s graded the grounds crew will wet it down, let the moisture sit overnight then drag a nail board over it to homogenize the dirt in the infield, so there are no hard or soft spots. Many thanks to the Indians for choosing us do this job!
02 Jun 2017
Spokane Backyard Landscaping
This is a backyard landscaping project we did for Josh and Jenny in Spokane, Washington.
“We highly recommend Specialty Services! Mike is wonderful to work with, prompt, professional, and fair. He was so good we immediately hired him for the next phase of our project. He loves what he does and it shows. What more could you ask for? ”
Josh & Ginny
We did a lot of work on this project, all of the concrete was removed, the sub-grade was redone, and we added topsoil and sod in the end.

Getting Started

Aerial View (Before)

Topsoil being brought in, and graded out

Finished Landscape – Wittkopf’s Turf builder on this, a great product
What made this job a little unique is that the homeowners wanted to save a little money, well quite a bit actually. So Josh and Ginny did all the final raking, and laid all the sod! Well done guys, and it was a true pleasure working for you”
02 Sep 2015
Spokane Excavation Project
The first step in any excavation is to “Call before you dig”. Even if the job is all hand work it’s still a must. In this picture, the red says “no Avista” meaning no underground power, the yellow says the same, meaning no gas. The white marks were painted by me to show the locators where to mark.
Next, a string line is laid out, the painted to give a nice straight line to ditch.
Since the ditch was in between the sprinkler valves and the timer, the control wire had to run through dig area. Locator was hooked to control wires, so no damage would take place. Ya I go crazy with the pink paint, in this case it was to make wire plainly visible to the electrician.
Sod was slit on previously marked red line, then folded over. Plywood was laid out, the finally ditch is dug.
The end result- like a lot of construction doing the prep is most of the battle. Machinery was not an option here, lawn was very wet and soft, access was down a steep hill, customer had a nice yard with sprinklers, the ground was all sand, super easy dig.
05 Jul 2013
Spokane Large Stump Removal
We removed this large stump in Spokane. It generated a massive amount of chips. It is very important to clean up chips as you go so that none of the stump gets missed.
5 foot in diameter Dutch Elm. Due to the amount of rock inside the stump, that was the closest the arborist was able to cut it.
Our small track machine is ideal to remove and load chips. Very easy on lawns this makes for efficient chip removal.
This stump made over 7 yards of chips at about 1000 pounds per yard is 3 and a half tons.
Stump is almost done, ideally in this situation, the grinded stumps are ground 4 inches below grade.
11 Mar 2013
Ground Leveling for Patio
We leveled this ground in the backyard in order to put a perfectly flat patio in place, the results speak for themselves!
11 Mar 2013
South Hill Excavation
We did this excavation on South Hill Spokane, WA, he did all the hard work after, and it turned out great.
11 Mar 2013
Prep for Pavers and Concrete
In this case it was prep for pavers and concrete, but the concept is very similiar – a good foundation of compacted gravel in several lifts. 4 to 6 inches on this job will give a long lasting base. The boards are screed boards and the one in the center will be pulled after the sand is screened. The others will remain as edging to retain gravel, sand and pavers.
01 Mar 2013
Laser Grading Project
This is a laser grading project we did here in Spokane. We prepped the site for a prefabricated garage. The grade was +/- 1/4″ when the laser grading was complete, which is very tight.